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sales intelligence integrations e-commerce leads sites cloud telephony sales deals conversions marketing

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CallGear: calltracking and VPBX Recommended Gratis

CallGear + Bitrix24 is a CRM integration, combining end-to-end advertising analytics tool with integrated CallGear communication channels and virtual PBX

Website integration Gratis

Ready-made modules for CMS. Single API. Integration in 5 minutes. No limits.

Leadinfo Gratis

Leadinfo - Enrich your company profiles with Leadinfo's extensive company information to gain even better insight

CS-Cart integration Gratis

Ready-made module for CMS CS-Cart. Integration in 5 minutes. No limits.

Satu / Prom / Deal: orders and statuses integration Gratis

Orders and statuses and marketplace integration

Adobe Commerce (ex. Magento) integration Gratis

Ready-made module Adobe Commerce (ex. Magento). Integration in 5 minutes. No limits.

Call Tracking by Stream Telecom Gratis

Add-on Call Tracking by Stream Telecom adds UTM tags and Google Analytics client ID to the data collection system. The application transmits information to both leads and deals. After closing the deal, depending on whether the deal is successful or not, the app sends the corresponding conversion to Google Analytics.

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